

The most exciting election since sliced fried bread… the closest finish since one bourgeois workers party beat the bourgeois bourgeois party…is Cameron really Obama…is Brown really fit for leadership…will Clegg have the casting vote…is proportional representation around the corner…blah blah fucking blah!



You know how Lenin once said that a strike was worth ten elections? You don’t? Well he did say that. But how many elections is the Greek revolt worth?

I mean I’m fucked if I know who to vote for (might have to actually wipe me arse and vote Labour given the lack of choice in my constituency), but if tomorrow morning one of the leaders comes out in support of the Greek protests, I’ll vote for them.

I mean for all the ways that the media have described this election to get folk interested in the blimmin’ thing, I would say that the Sun’s attempt to make us believe that David Cameron and Barack Obama share anything more in common than an ‘O’ and an ‘M’ in their surnames, is so surreal I really did think it was a Chris Morris-cum-Leon Kuhn spoof.


“Bigotgate” has not pole-axed Brown in the way that the Tories planned, despite the heroine / villainess Gillian Duffy getting more coverage than Susan Boyle. Actually my money is on Duffy winning Britain’s Got Talent this season.

Duffy - More Bigoted Than A Labour Candidate?

If Brown is looking to direct his ire at bigots, all he has to do is speak to leading members in his own party. Why not start with Jack Straw, who, in 2006, blamed Muslim women that wore the niqab (a veil) for damaging community relations, or Jim Fitzpatrick, the Poplar, but not popular, MP who gets invited to a wedding and moans to the press that it was segregated by gender. Don’t bother turning up at my wedding, darling. Never mind segregation, I’ll put you and your noxious notions about Muslims in quarantine.

Then there’s the charming Manish Sood. A man who has brought a new meaning to the term “New Labour”.

Sood : New Labour For The 19th Century?

Now here’s a man that needs some PR. I mean, try on his size 9s for size. The guy has been given North West Norfolk, a seat only re-instated in 1974 after being abolished in 1918. Held by two Tories (apart when the sitting MP defected to the SDP in 1981) in all that time apart from the landslide in 1997, when the not even the bluest rinses could bring themselves to vote for their man Hooray Henry Bellingham in that election. They relented in 2001 to let him back though, and if he doesn’t win it tomorrow, then I’ll be taking BMWs out of the local showroom, turning them on their side and setting light to them. So, hopefully you can gauge Mr. Sood’s chances of realising his ambition of becoming an MP – No Hope and Bob Hope.

So why not make a splash and stick the boot into your Prime Minister nigh on the eve of the election?

And what does he say?

He says that Brown is a “disgrace” and should apologise to the people and the Queen. The Queen? What the fuck for? Did he start luncheon using the wrong fork? Of all the people that Brown needs to apologise to (and there are literally millions), the horse-loving, tax-grabbing, racist-loving parasite with a tiara ain’t one of them.

Oh yeah and of course, just in case we hadn’t noticed it was an issue that the British National Party (oh and by the way, my main election wish is that Nazi Nick Griffin is royally fucked in Barking) are hoping to capitalise on, he also says:

“Immigration has gone up which is creating friction within communities. The country is getting bigger and messier.”

How is it that the only people that get any decent coverage for sticking the boot into Brown are bigots? Where’s my prime-time opportunity? Why isn’t Brown caught on a radio mike moaning at his erstwhile aides about having to field a few questions from a Trot?

Who Will Eamonn Sell The Paper To In Parliament?

But there are some candidates worth the votes of decent working folk.

One candidate I would give my right arm to have on the ballot in my local constituency is the socialist, writer and Civil Rights legend Eamonn McCann. The people of Derry in the 6 counties will have that honour and will no doubt respond positively to his call to arms:

“In the words of the Beatles, ‘Come Together – right now’ – not in a passive way but to fight together for our common interests.”

Across the country Trade Union and Socialist Coalition candidates are giving some an alternative to the vicious neo-liberal agenda that will rip into the heart of our schools, our hospitals and other public services as soon as we wake up on Monday morning.

Particular best wishes to Angela McCormack and Willie Black in Scotland, Karen Reissman in Manchester and Jenny Sutton in Tottenham.

I also hope that Labour left-wingers Corbyn and McDonnell hold their own and that Respect’s George Galloway and Salma Yaqoob convincingly trounce ex-Trot-turned-Blairite Fitzpatrick and right-wing trade union shitehawk Roger Godawful.

More than that I hope that our class has what it takes to defend ourselves from a violent assault on our interests. For inspiration, lets look to Greece. If we don’t manage that, we’ll have to make do with Manish Sood’s rendition of “Who’s Sorry Now” on Britain’s Got Talent.

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May 2010